• NYS Physicians Practices Begin to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine  Physicians are Encouraged to Take NYS DOH Survey   Today, the Medical Society of the State of New York was notified by the New York State Department of Health that 27,100 Moderna doses were allocated to 190 enrolled COVID-19 providers. All physicians and other providers that pre-booked

  • Important Update to NYS Vaccine Tracker Reporting   Effective immediately, providers in receipt of COVID-19 vaccine, irrespective as to whether such doses are via a direct State or federal allocation or a redistribution, will now be required to report to the vaccine tracker on Mondays and Thursdays by 10am. All providers with COVID-19 vaccine doses on hand or that depleted their allocation since their

  • Dear NYS COVID-19 Vaccine Provider: This email includes updated information about submission of weekly planning requests (“prebook requests”) for COVID-19 vaccine for your provider location enrolled in the NYSDOH COVID-19 Vaccine Program to include Janssen (Johnson and Johnson) vaccine. The requests are always due by 5 pm each Monday and must be data entered in NYSIIS on Monday (and not in advance). 

  • Dear NYS COVID-19 Vaccine Provider: This email includes clarifying information about submitting weekly planning requests for COVID-19 vaccine for your provider location enrolled in the NYSDOH COVID-19 Vaccine Program. The process for submitting a planning request is currently called “prebooking” in NYSIIS. We are hearing that the term “prebooking” is confusing to some so we